In the world of professional services, firms are constantly striving to deliver top-notch results while managing costs effectively. There is a growing demand for more value from clients while employees need tools necessary for peak performance. Traditional methods often fall short of meeting these demands. 

This is where RISE with SAP for professional services comes in. It is designed to improve your operations, refine your bidding process and better talent management. RISE with SAP provides a modern solution to common challenges, helping firms meet client expectations and stay ahead of the competition. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the challenges faced by professional services firms, key business drivers for change, and how RISE with SAP can drive your business transformation. We’ll delve into why change is necessary and how this solution can lead to greater efficiency and success. 

Challenges Faced by Professional Services Before Transformation 

Before embracing digital transformation, professional services companies often encounter several challenges: 

  • Managing Bids and Resources: As companies grow, managing bids and resources becomes increasingly complex. Traditional methods may no longer suffice, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. 
  • Project Delivery: Projects frequently run over time and budget, impacting profitability and client satisfaction. Enhanced project management and forecasting tools are essential for addressing these issues. 
  • Meeting Customer Demands: The rising expectations of clients create pressure to deliver faster and more effectively. Firms must adopt agile methodologies and innovative solutions to keep pace. 
  • Maintaining Margins: Offering competitive prices while ensuring decent profit margins remains a challenge. Effective cost management and pricing strategies are crucial. 
  • Workforce Management: There is a growing need for digitalized and transparent workforce management systems. Manual processes and data updates can hinder efficiency and accuracy. 

Curious how these changes can be implemented effectively? Let’s dive into the key drivers shaping the professional services industry and see how RISE with SAP can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth. 

Strategic Priorities and Key Business Drivers in Professional Services 

Strategic Priorities of Professional Services Industry

  • Outcome-Based Engagements 

The traditional “time and materials” model is becoming obsolete as clients shift focus to the value and results delivered rather than the hours spent. Outcome-based models are emerging as a more effective approach. These models emphasize delivering measurable outcomes and align pricing with the value provided. 

Adopting an outcome-based model requires a significant shift in how bids are prepared, and proposals are presented. Companies must develop accurate, data-driven proposals that ensure predictable outcomes and minimize delivery risks. Advanced bidding processes that utilize historical data and analytics can help achieve this, resulting in more reliable and profitable engagements. 

To learn more about the impact of Outcome-Based Engagements, click here. 

  • Talent Networks 

In professional services, talent is a critical differentiator. Firms must leverage advanced technology to empower their employees and foster a collaborative work environment. Automated systems and agile platforms facilitate innovation and enhance employee satisfaction. 

Investing in comprehensive talent management systems is essential. These systems integrate seamlessly with existing platforms, providing valuable insights into employee skills and performance. This data-driven approach helps companies attract and retain top talent, driving operational efficiency and fostering a positive work culture. 

To learn more about the impact of Hiring the Right Talent, click here. 

  • Knowledge as a Service 

Professional services firms are increasingly recognizing the value of their expertise as a significant asset. Beyond traditional client engagements, companies are productizing their services and creating knowledge hubs. This approach allows firms to monetize their expertise and offer valuable insights even outside direct client interactions. 

The success of this model during the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted its resilience. By diversifying their revenue streams and leveraging their knowledge base, companies can maintain stability and growth even in challenging times. 

Excited to see how this solution can support these transformations? Let’s dive into how it achieves business transformation. 

To learn more about the impact of Knowledge as a Service, click here.

Achieving Business Transformation with RISE with SAP 

1. Outcome-Based Bidding Process 

Traditional bidding processes are often lengthy and cumbersome, taking up to 30 days with manual scoping and extensive content management. 

RISE with SAP Advantages: 

  • Streamlines the bidding process to under a week. 
  • Translates unstructured customer requirements into actionable work packages. 
  • Uses past project data to suggest similar bids, improving proposal accuracy. 

2. Talent Networks 

Advances in digital technology have transformed talent management, making it easier to identify and integrate the right talent. 

SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite Features: 

  • Gathers data on employees’ digital activities to build detailed skills profiles. 
  • Simplifies the hiring process by matching talent to the right roles based on their performance and interactions. 
  • Streamlines workforce management and ensures optimal talent alignment. 

3. Delivering Knowledge as a Service 

To stay competitive, professional services firms need to shift towards offering digital expertise and services. 

RISE with SAP Capabilities: 

  • Simplifies the entire quote-to-cash cycle, from packaging and pricing to delivery. 
  • Supports transition to usage-based or outcome-based billing, catering to market demands. 
  • Enables firms to introduce new services and drive sustained revenue growth. 

Why should you choose RISE with SAP? Let’s explore the benefits. 

Why Choose RISE with SAP for Professional Services? 

Why Choose RISE with SAP for Professional Services

RISE with SAP is designed to address these challenges and supports the professional services industry in their digital transformation journey. It offers a comprehensive approach to modernization with key benefits: 

Value Creation 

RISE with SAP helps professional service firms to create significant value by: 

  • Enhancing Employee Engagement: With integrated tools and platforms, it improves employee collaboration and satisfaction. This leads to higher productivity and innovation. 
  • Generating New Revenue Streams: The platform enables firms to diversify their offerings and explore new revenue models, such as subscription-based or outcome-based billing. 
  • Maximizing Asset Efficiency: Optimizes asset management and utilization, improving overall operational efficiency. 

Risk Mitigation 

By leveraging cloud delivery capabilities, RISE with SAP mitigates risks associated with digital transformation: 

  • Reducing Costs: The platform offers cost-effective solutions that lower total cost of ownership (TCO) and streamline operations. 
  • Accelerating Time to Value: Enhances transformation readiness, enabling faster implementation and quicker realization of benefits. 
  • Enhancing Operational Resilience: Cloud-based solutions provide greater flexibility and scalability, improving business continuity and resilience. 

Ready to see the benefits of RISE with SAP in action? Let’s wrap it up. 

Benefits of RISE with SAP 

Implementing RISE with SAP provides numerous benefits: 

  • Increased Revenue: By introducing new products and services, companies can tap into new markets and revenue streams, driving growth. 
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automation and digitalization streamline operations, reducing manual efforts and optimizing processes for better performance. 
  • Environmental Impact: Improved compliance and sustainability practices help reduce environmental impact, aligning with modern corporate responsibility goals. 
  • Customer Satisfaction: Real-time insights and dynamic decision-making capabilities enhance client interactions and service delivery, boosting satisfaction. 
  • Improved Resource Management: Offers advanced tools for managing and allocating resources efficiently, ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time for optimal project execution. 

KaarTech: Your Best Implementation Partner 

With over 17+ years of experience, 150+ successful professional services projects, and 40+ satisfied clients in professional services sector, KaarTech is your ideal partner for implementing RISE with SAP. Our deep industry knowledge and proven track record ensure a smooth transition and drive exceptional results. 

Ready to enhance your professional services operations and drive growth? Contact us to discover how KaarTech can support your transformation journey. 




1. What is outcome-based engagements?

Outcome-based engagements focus on delivering measurable results rather than just billing for time and materials. They align pricing with the value delivered to the client.

2. How does digitalization improve talent management?

Digitalization helps by creating detailed skills profiles, streamlining the hiring process, and ensuring better alignment between talent and roles.

3. What is knowledge as a service?

Knowledge as a service involves monetizing a firm’s expertise and creating knowledge hubs to offer valuable insights beyond direct client work.

4. How does RISE with SAP help with project delivery?

RISE with SAP improves project delivery by streamlining the bidding process, using data for accurate proposals, and enhancing overall project management.